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发布时间:2023-02-27 11:15:14





药品是人们用以防病治病、康复保健的特殊商品,它既是 商品又不同于一般商品。目前,人们将从事医药销售人员称之 为医药代表。在西方国家,医药代表这一职业至少已有上百年 历史,国内的医药代表最初也是来自改革开放后进人中国市场 的外国医药企业及其合资企业,由于外资、合资企业中的医药 代表非常有效地促进了企业产品的推广和销售业绩的增长,随 后,国内医药企业开始纷纷效仿。我国各地也陆续出现了这一 新职业―――医药代表,而与之相对应的管理规范却严重缺乏和 滞后.

以英国为代表的西方发达国家,已对从事药品销售的人员 实施了认证管理,有着较为严格的准入门槛.

我国外商投资企业协会药品研制和开发行业委员会(简称 RDPAC)、38家跨国制药会员公司在全体会员公司中全面推广 “RDPAC医药代表内部认证项目”,并于2006年制定新的“药 品推广行为准则”,旨在建立行业自律和防控医药商业贿赂的 长效机制。2003年,RDPAC开始对英国、日本和香港的相关认 证项目进行研究。在借鉴这些国家和地区现有经验的基础上, 2004年RDPAC医药代表内部认证项目正式立项,确定了“医 药代表内部认证项目”的初步框架。由于发达国家和我国在医 疗卫生保障体系以及公共事务管理方面有较大差别,因此其管 理模式只起到借鉴和引导的作用。而我国外资企业建立的“医 药代表内部认证项目”牵涉的企业同我国17 000家医疗企业相 比,所占比重非常小。加之企业内部监督不具有强制力,在现有 国情下很难发挥较大作用。因此,应建立以政府主导的行业自 律的医药注册认证模式.

目前,我国医药营销行业从业人员良莠不齐、文化程度偏 低、法律观念淡漠、职业道德观念不强。针对医药营销行业存在 的问题,国家食品药品监督管理局(简称食药监局)应建立市场 准入制度,从认证入手,加强医药营销行业管理,提高我国医药 营销行业的业务水平和职业道德修养,规范医药营销行业行为,维护消费者权益,使我国医药营销行业逐步走上规范有序、 公开统一的健康发展轨道,并建立符合我国国情的医药营销人 员执业资格考试制度和医药营销人员诚信保障体系等.

1建立医药营销人员执业资格考试制度 应通过执业资格考试制度这一准入门槛,提高医药营销行 业从业人员素质.

1.1考试组织和内容 医药营销人员资格考试实行全国统一大纲、统一命题、统 一组织的考试制度。原则上每年举办1次。内容包括:中国医药 卫生概述、医疗机构组成和现状、制药工业概述、基础医学、临 床医学药理学、药品推广行为准则和相关法律、法规[1]。相关部、 局负责编制医药营销人员执业资格考试大纲并组织命题等工 作,组织执业资格的考前培训。同时负责审定医药营销人员执 业资格考试科目、考试大纲和考试试题,组织实施考务工作,并 对医药营销人员执业资格考试进行检查、监督、指导和确定合 格标准。执业资格考试合格的,由省、自治区、直辖市人事部门 颁发人事部统一印制,人事部、食药监局用印《中华人民共和国 医药营销执业资格证书》,该证书全国范围内有效.

1.2执业资格考试报名条件 相关部门可以借鉴执业药师考试设定报名条件,如相关学 科、学历、从事相关专业年限等,对从业人员进行条件和准入的 规范.

1.3医药营销行业执业人员注册制度 国家对医药营销人员实行准入制度,凡取得《中华人民共 和国医药营销执业资格证书》的人员必须经过注册才能从事医 药营销活动。对执业资格注册规定年限,在注册有效届满需要 继续从事医药营销活动的,可按规定的程序换发新证书。对违 反相关规定的采取收回、注销等手段规范医药营销人员执业行 为.

2建立医药营销人员诚信档案体系 建立失信惩戒机制,提高医药营销人员失信成本,是医药 营销人员诚信体系的重要一环。诚信档案,就是把医药营销人 员个人在履行职责和社会生活等方面的个人诚信信息汇集起 来,进行整理存储,从而形成个人的诚信资料。医药营销人员的 个人诚信信息将与履行诚信信息一起纳入档案记录和考评范 围。诚信档案主要由医药营销人员个人基本信息、履行职责诚 信信息和社会诚信信息3部分构成,总的思路是以履职诚信为 主、社会诚信为辅。建立医药营销人员诚信档案应由政府的专 门部门牵头,组织有关部门收集、整理其诚信信息,全面、准确、 及时记录医药营销人员的行为活动。医药营销人员诚信档案对 加强医药营销人员诚信建设有重要作用。在美国,某人一旦有 严重的诚信缺失行为,就被记录在案,他从事任何活动都会受 到影响,可谓终生损失巨大[2]。西方发达国家的实践证明,建立 个人诚信档案是一项约束个人行为及个人进行自我约束的有 效制度。我国国内一些地方政府也先后采取不同的措施和手段 在建设医药营销人员诚信档案方面进行探索、实践.

2.1医药营销人员诚信档案的构成 医药营销人员诚信档案是医药营销行业信用的重要组成 部分。主要内容包括:执业人员基本情况、良好行为与不良行为 记录、业绩汇总、继续教育情况、能力表现、投诉情况等.

2.2医药营销人员诚信档案的管理 随着网络的发展,可将医药营销人员诚信档案与有关部门 的信息系统互联互通,从同业征信向联合征信过渡,实现信息 共享,以更加全面地反映医药营销人员的诚信状况.

(1)管理原则。医药营销人员诚信档案按照“统一规划、分 级建设、分步实施、信息共享”的原则进行,逐步实现医药营销 行业诚信档案系统覆盖全行业的目标。各级医药营销行业主管 部门负责组织所辖区内执业人员诚信档案系统的建设和管理 工作.

(2)组织实施。食药监局组织建立一级执业人员诚信档案 系统。各省食药监局负责一级执业人员诚信档案的日常管理工 作,包括有关诚信信息的征集、登记、审核、更新及管理等工作, 提供网上诚信信息查询服务;并负责起草相关的诚信信息管理 制度,包括信息征集、使用和更新的规则与方法,信息公示的内 容、范围和保留时限,投诉信息的处理办法等.

(3)信息采集。诚信档案信息依法从多种途径采集,充分利 用现有信息资源,从政府部门、医药营销行业等多种途径获得, 并与机构资质、年检制度及专业人员执业资格注册工作有机结 合。不良行为记录,除要求医药营销行业自报外,各级食药监局 也应及时报送医药营销人员的违法处理情况,医药营销人员诚 信档案将按规定予以公示.

医药营销人员获省级表彰或荣誉称号,也可作为良好行为 记录载入执业人员的诚信档案。良好行为记录由医药营销行业 采集或执业人员直接报送.

医药营销人员出现违反医药营销的相关法律、法规的行 为,并受到处罚的,即可将不良行为载入该执业人员的诚信档 案。不良行为记录以营销行业组织报送为主,记入档案视情节 收回或注销执业资格证书.

(4)信息维护和更新。医药营销人员诚信档案是由政府组织建立的,由系统管理部门对信息进行收集和更新。对涉及企 业商业秘密的信息要注意保密,实行授权查询;未经核实的信 息不得在网上公示;不良记录在公示前,必须经过严格的审核 批准程序.

(5)投诉处理。医药营销人员诚信档案系统专门设立了网 上投诉栏目,社会公众可以在网上对执业人员违法、违纪行为 进行投诉,社会公众可按统一格式提交有关医药营销方面的投 诉。系统管理部门对收到的信息进行登记、整理、分类,并根据 被投诉对象和投诉内容,转交有关行政部门进行审核、处理,或 转给被投诉机构进行处理。医药营销行业对系统管理部门转去 的投诉在15天内反馈意见。无正当理由未按时反馈的,将在网 上公示投诉情况。此外,还要公示对违法、违规行为的

整改结 果。如要撤销公示,须由被公示单位或人员申请,经相关行政主 管部门同意,方可从网上撤销;不良行为记录分类在医药营销 人员诚信档案中保留一定期限.

(6)信息查询。按照依法、合理保护企业商业秘密和分类、 分级管理原则,医药营销人员诚信档案可分为公示信息和授权 查询信息两大类.

2.3诚信档案管理的具体要求 (1)为了保证建立医药营销人员诚信档案工作的顺利进行, 需要有正确的理论作指导,要认真总结档案管理工作的经验.

此项任务是一个标准化的体系,在具体操作中,绝非一个档案 部门所能承担的,应由医药营销人员管理部门来研究和牵头运 作,各相关部门相互配合,并且要有现代技术的支持。具体内容 包括:个人诚信信息的收集、登记、评价、考核和诚信信息资源 的共享、诚信档案管理、诚信等级认证等.

(2)对医药营销人员诚信信息的记录采用以“0”为基准的 正负分记录方式,实行等级制,分优秀、良好、一般、较差4个等 级.

(3)保证医药营销人员个人诚信档案信息的公开、透明。信 息既向本人公开,也向广大群众公开,让医药营销人员的诚信 受到社会广大群众的监督。有关授权单位和个人可以在规定范 围内查询医药营销人员诚信档案,医药营销人员对有异议的个 人诚信信息可以提出申请,诚信档案管理部门按照一定程序进 行更正.

(4)要有针对性的对医药营销人员诚信情况进行跟踪考察, 并将考察结果反馈给专门的诚信档案管理部门,使之能定期对 医药营销人员诚信档案信息进行更新.

(5)在诚信档案中根据医药营销人员个人实际情况,追加 提示信息和警示信息。提示信息和警示信息可对出现非诚信行 为倾向的医药营销人员起到提示和警示的作用.

以上探讨建立我国医药营销人员执业资格考试制度及从 业人员个人诚信档案制度的个人见解,主要是从政策层面规范 医药营销人员执业行为,包括制定医药营销人员的准入制度、 加强医药营销人员诚信档案的管理等。要全面提高医药营销人 员的执业素质,还应加强其职业道德与职业修养.

















1. 要从重生产管理转变到重经营管理。电力企业同其它企业一样,把追求利润的最大化作为企业经营目标。不能为了生产而生产,为了安全而安全,不论是生产管理还是经营管理,都是手段而不是目的。所以,要从营销、资本、资金管理等方面采取有利于提高企业经济效益的管理方法和激励约束机制,全方位地开展经营管理。

2. 有必要进行用电行业的重新分类,我国现行用电分类是1976年颁布的,目前执行过程中与电力市场的发展极不适应,因为产业层出不穷,原行业经过多年发展演变、改革重组,与原来的用电分类不相吻合,应尽快进行合理科学的行业分类,作为科学定价和市场营销的依据。

3. 发挥价格杠杆作用,优化资源配置。在原电价体系中,政策性分类电价比重太大,两部制电价中基本电价比重偏小,且实施范围小,造成电力部门投资回收周期长。为体现公平、合理分摊电力成本,要科学定价,并且本着国家有利、企业有益、客户满意的原则,在电价执行中发挥弹性杠杆作用。在国家宏观调控指导下和当地物价部门的监管下,适当地由企业灵活执行,有益于促销。

4. 注重做好企业基础工作。客户报装接电、建卡立户,日常的抄表、收费,计量监督、检查,是供电企业营销工作内部完成的一些具体内容。往往由于这些日常工作不慎重,给企业造成经济损失,形象声誉受损,甚至发生营业事故,与客户产生纠纷。所以,要抓好管理,苦练内功,严格规章制度的执行,杜绝事故,减少差错,形成高效的服务,增强客户对企业的信任感。


1. 必要的广告是供电企业和客户沟通的桥梁,特别是公益性广告作为供电企业应多投入。如:就安全用电、合理经济用电、电力设施的保护,结合两改一同价工作做一些公益宣传。

2. 供电企业建立电力需求引导展厅。主要开展用电咨询服务,可就用电如何规划、如何安装、日常维护注意哪些问题等介绍给客户;开展电力产品及电器产品演示、展销,假冒劣质产品陈列等,给客户提供电力销售全方位、多视角的咨询、服务。

3. 取消用电申请,将电力客户与供电企业的供需关系完全平等起来,摆正服务与被服务的关系,真正做到客户一个电话,剩下的事由我们来做的服务。

4. 免费给客户提供用电规划、设计、材料计划、资金预算等服务。














[Key words]Marketing Channels ;Inter-Organizational Power;The In stitutional Environment




Wilkinson(2001)divides studies about marketing channels into three stages:channel structures,channel behaviors,and channel relationships.In the first stage,researchers tried to find out ways of optimizing the efficiencies and benefits of managing marketing channels.In the second stage,researchers tried to unveil the power and conflict between channel members.In the third stage,researchers tried to find out ways of reducing or eliminating opportunistic behaviors through mutual commitment and honest.Actually,some scholars had begun to study marketing channels from the perspective of network governance.

In most of these studies,many scholars have used the political economy framework(Achrol,Reve and Stern,1983;Frazier,1999;Hutt,Mokwa and Shapiro,1986,Stern and Reve,1980).Scholars implicitly have ascribed active choice behavior to channel members while stressing efficiency in governing channel relationships.They have considered the implications of environmental uncertainty or dependence on environmental resources for dyadic channel relationships(such as conflicts and cooperation,Dwyer,Schurr and Oh,1987),power balances(such as power-dependence relationships,Frazier,1983),and relationships with entities outside the dyads(such as regulators and other actors,Dutta,Heide and Bergen,1999)from traditional economic efficiency perspectives.In the process,scholars have largely overlooked the ubiquitous influences of the institutional environments and how inter-organizational relationships such as marketing channels are embedded in the larger social context(Granovetter,1985;Grewal & Dharwadkar,2002).Recent advances in organization theory suggest that organizations strive for both economic fitness,which emphasizes the competition for scarce resources and underscores the importance of the task environment,and social fitness,which stresses the pursuit of legitimacy in the eyes of important societal stakeholders and pinpoint the significance of the institutional environment.

The term governance has been broadly defined as a “mode of organizing transactions”(Williamson and Ouchi,1981).A more precise delineation was offered by Palay(1984),who defines it as “a shorthand expression of the institutional framework in which contracts are initiated,negotiated,monitored,modified and terminated.” Heide(1994)states that governance is a multidimensional phenomenon that encompasses the initiation,termination and ongoing relationship maintenance between a set of parties.

In this paper,the authors propose that marketing channels are inter-organizational relationships in the nature.When companies are governing marketing channels,they are actually governing inter-organizational relationships.This is an institutional process.The primary measuring standard of the governing effects is legitimacy,but not the traditional efficiency.

2THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDS AND MODELInstitutional theory holds that a companys institutional environment is made up of the norms and values of its stakeholders,which include customers,investors,guilds,trustee councils,governments,and partners.According to institutional theory,a company adopts some structure,behavior or process to satisfy other stakeholders.This behavior of seeking external recognition is the result of the institutional environments influence.Therefore,legitimacy becomes a key concept in institutional theory.

Suchman(1995)“a generalized assumption or perception of the actions of an entity are desirable,proper,and appropriate within some socially constructed norms,values,beliefs and definitions.” Legitimacy requires companies behaviors to be consistent with public cognition and emotional expectations.That is,companies will adopt those structures,behaviors,and processes that are considered as effective,appropriate,and popular.Accordingly,companies are not rationally pursuing efficiency but conforming to external rules and norms,so as to make their behaviors be accepted,understood,and recognized by other stakeholders.Therefore,gaining legitimacy is of great importance to companies that operate within the institutional environment.In order to gain legitimacy,many aspects of organizational structures and behaviors are designed and performed to be accepted by the institutional environment but not to pursue efficiency.

Marketing channels governance is a part of a companys operations.The decisions,behaviors,and processes of governing channels must be consistent with the companys strategy.They all have to be accepted,understood,and recognized by other stakeholders.This is an institutionalized process.Therefore,gaining legitimacy of their channel-governing decisions,behaviors,and processes is also of great importance.Market channel wont be one of the sources of sustained competitive advantages if the decisions,behaviors,and process are not legitimate.

2.1Inter-Organizational Studies

Inter-Organizational institutions

Institutional theory insists that we should study organizations environments so as to better study and understand companies behaviors and explain organizational phenomena(Meyer & Rowen,1977).Institutional theory divides environments into institutional environments and task environment,which have different influence on anizations should take into account the task environment and the institutional environment as well,since organizations are always influenced by the institutional environments and they are institutionalized organizations.Institutional theory stresses that organizations are able to take initiatives to change their environments so as to better survive and develop.According to institutional theory,a company is operating within a social framework of norms and values.Their economic behaviors are constrained by technology,information,income,and social constructs as well.Being consistent with social expectations is beneficial to their survival and successes(Baum and Oliver,1991;Carroll and Hannan,1989;DiMaggio and Powell,1983;Oliver,1991).Organizations improve their legitimacy,resources,and surviving capabilities through following up so as to gain benefits.

2.2Inter-Organizational Imitations

Inter-organizational imitation of practices and structures plays a central role in several theories of organizational actions(Haunschild,1993).For example,theories of organizational learning argue that organizations copy other organizations,letting others absorb the costs of experimentation or discovery(Dutton & Freedman,1985;Levitt & March,1988;Lant & Mezias,1990).Strategic choice theories suggest that imitation can be a strategic response to competitor activities,so second-movers take the advantages of the fact that the risks associated with product development have been absorbed by first-movers(Lieberman & Montgomery,1988).Institutionalization theory argues that organizations copy practices that adopted by others in an effort to gain legitimacy(DiMaggio & Powell,1983).

It is self-evident that inter-organizational imitations are of great importance.But how do organizations imitate? Haunschild & Miner(1997)indicate three modes of inter-organizational imitation,including frequency-based imitation,trait-based imitation,and outcome-based imitation.With frequency-based imitation,organizations tend to imitate actions that have been taken by large numbers of other organizations.Several theoretical rationales have been marshaled to support frequency imitation,and considerable empirical evidence documents its occurrence.According to early institutionalresearch,firms adopt practices and structures that many other firms have adopted because when many firms adopt a practice,the legitimacy of that practice is enhanced(Tolbert and Zucker,1983;DiMaggio and Powell,1983).This effect can occur because the desire for legitimacy leads firms to adopt legitimate practices(Meyer and Rowan,1977).In trait-based imitation,organizations may also selectively imitate practices that have been used by some subset of other organizations.Arguments for trail imitation have generally emphasized the importance of social processes.Early institutional theorists(e.g.,DiMaggio and Powell,1983)suggested that firms adopt the practices of “legitimate” organizations and that legitimacy is inferred from traits like large size and anizations may also seek to acquire status by imitating higher-status organizations(Fombrun and Shanley,1990),which are usually large and successful.With outcome-based imitation,organizations use the outcomes that occur after other organizations use a practice or structure to determine whether they should adopt.Thus,neither the number nor the characteristics of others doing practice “A” is important.Instead,it is the apparent outcomes that occur after other organizations do “A” that determines whether “A” will be imitated.Practices or structures that produced positive outcomes for others will be imitated;those that produced negative outcomes will be avoided.Selective imitation does not arise from features of other users but from perceived consequences of the panies are not limited to only one of the three modes.During the competition,the imitation mode they will apply varies with their competitors and decisions.

2.3Inter-Organizational Power and Dependence

The most comprehensive theoretical statement on inter-organizational power and dependence was a 1978 book by Pfeffer and Salancik,which presented a detailed theoretical discussion as well as the results of a number of the authors earlier empirical works.Pfeffer and Salancik began with four key premises:organizations are first and foremost concerned with survival;in order to survive they require resources which they cannot generate internally;as a consequence,organizations must interact with elements in the environment on which they are depend,which often include other organizations;survival is therefore based on an organizations manage its relations with other organizations.Because organizations depend on elements in their environment for resources,those groups can make claims on them,and organizations may find themselves attempting to satisfy the concerns of these environmental constituencies.According to Pfeffer and Salancik,there are three crucial factors that determine to which one organization depends on another:the importance of the resource to the organizations survival,the extent to which a particular group inside or outside the organization has access to or discretion over use of the resource,and the extent to which alternative sources of the resource exist.

One important feature of Pfeffer and Salanciks discussion is their point that dependence can be mutual.Just as one organization can depend on another,two organizations can simultaneously depend on each other.Power becomes unequal when one organizations dependence exceeds the others.


In order to survive organizations should first be recognized by other organizations or stakeholders.That means they should acquire legitimacy first.Only after acquiring legitimacy can organizations create efficiency through operating resources they obtained from their interaction with the task environment and facilitate organizations sustained development.Therefore,organizations should first consider the legitimacy of their decisions,behaviors,and processes in their operations,and then pursue efficiency.In this way,organizations can survive and develop in the long run.

Since late 1990s,some scholars have begun to elaborate and argue the institutional environments influences(Handelman and Arnold,1999;Homburg,Workman,and Krohmer,1999;McFarland,Bloodgood,and Payan,2004).Grewal and Dharwadkar(2002)indicate that the institutional environment influences the channel attitudes,behaviors,processes,and structures.They proposed a theoretical framework and logic for studying the institutional environments influence on dyadic channel relationships.They developed three institutional processes(regulating,validating,and habitualizing)and their underlying mechanisms according to the various attributes of the institutions and legitimacies,and elaborate on how these processes might influence channel relationships.Reacting to Grewal and Dharwadkars calling for empirical studies on the institutional environment in marketing channels,McFarland,Bloodgood,and Payan(2004)applied institutional theory to examine channel reaction behaviors in supply chains,attempting to explain why fellow channel members imitate one anothers behaviors.The study explains how the institutional environment influence channel behaviors and processes.They argued that institutional isomorphism can provide a rationale for the take-for-granted channel behaviors,which are not able to be explained with economic rationality.



In order to study the roles of the institutional environment in marketing channels,we should first know what the institutional environment in marketing channels is.Based on institutional theory(Meyer & Rowan,1977;DiMaggio & Powell,1983;Scott,1987),we divide institutions into regulatory institutions,normative institutions,and cognitive institutions.We can describe the rules,expectations,and habitual behaviors by dividing the three institutions(Scott & Meyer,1983).But the power and acting space the organizations get are double-edged and locked-in.On the one hand,organizations must conform to rules,expectations,and habitual behaviors required by the institutional environment,which might be a constraint.On the other hand,organizations can tactically use the institutional environment as a resource and an entry barrier as well.Therefore,the institutional environment might be an extraordinary competitive advantage.

3.1Legitimacy in Marketing Channels

In the past decades,sociologists have offered a number of definitions of legitimacy.Pfeffer and his colleagues stressed that legitimacy is an evaluation,but highlighted cultural conformity rather than overt self-justification(Downing & Pfeffer,1975;Pfeffer,1981;Pfeffer & Salancik,1978).In this view,legitimacy connotes “congruence between the social values associated with or implied by organizational activities and the norms of acceptable behavior in the larger social context”(Downing & Pfeffer,1975).Meyer and Scott(Meyer & Scott,1983;Scott,1991)also considered legitimacy as stemming from congruence between the organization and its cultural environment.However,they focused more on the cognitive than the evaluative side(Suchman,1995).Organizations are legitimate when they are understandable,rather than they are desirable.“Organizational legitimacy refers to the extent to which the array of established cultural accounts provide explanations for an organizations existence”(Meyer & Scott,1983b:201;DiMaggio & Powell,1991).Suchmans definition of legitimacy includes the both aspects.He defines legitimacy as “a generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable,proper,or appropriate within some social constructed system of norms,values,attitudes,and definitions”(Suchman,1995).

Our definition of legitimacy in channel governance is based on Suchmans definition.We define channel governance legitimacy as “the extent to which the decisions,behaviors,and processes are accepted and recognized by other stakeholders when they are governing inter-organizational relationships in channels”.

The institutional environment requires legitimate behaviors,so managing legitimacy is of great importance.We argue that managing legitimacy is a dynamic and continuous process(figure 2),including gaining legitimacy,maintaining legitimacy,and repairing legitimacy(Suchman,1995).Besides,the gained legitimacies are not always effective,since they have lives.When one kind of legitimacy can not satisfy the organizations demand for surviving and developing or a new legitimacy is needed,the organization will begin a new process.Therefore,legitimacy managing is a dynamic and loop process.



When evaluating effectiveness and performance of a companys channels structures,behaviors,and processes,we should consider both efficiency,which is influenced by the task environment,and legitimacy that is stressed by institutional theory.An organizations demand for legitimacy is bigger than that for efficiency.Efficiency is only guaranteed in the long run after the organization has gained legitimacy.We can completely understand and explain the process of forming and implementing decisions and explain the problems organizations encounter in channel governance through combining efficiency and legitimacy.The ultimate goal of organizations is not to pursue legitimacy and efficiency,but to gain sustained competitive advantages so as to ensure long-term survival and development(figure 3).



Based on the above discussions,we propose proposition 1 and proposition 2.

H1:Organizations channel governance decisions,behaviors,and processes are embedded in specific institutional environment.The judging standard of channel governance is the extent to which the decisions,behaviors,and processes are accepted and recognized by other stakeholders.The extent determines the possibility of gaining efficiency.

H2:Managing Legitimacy is a dynamic process,during which organizations will apply different strategies to gain,maintain,and repair legitimacy soas to make the extent to which their decisions,behaviors,and processes are accepted and recognized become higher and higher(figure.4).




3.2Theoretical Model

Channel governance is a kind of inter-organizational relationship governance in the nature.The fundamental objective of channel governance is to make marketing channel be one of the sources of organizations sustained competitive advantages so as to ensure their long-term survival and development.In order to survive,organizations need to gain efficiency.But it is of more importance that their strategies and behaviors should be anizations should consider long-term benefits as their ultimate objective when they are governing marketing channels.This requires them to apply different governing mechanisms to obtain legitimacy and efficiency.Guo(Guo,Zhan,Hou,Zhou,and Xiao,2004)argued that the sustained competitive advantages gained from channel governance should not only be measured by efficiency,but also be measured by the legitimacy of strategies and behaviors.They expressed the standard as “channel governance efficacy”(figure 5).

FIGURE 5THEORETICAL MODEL FOR CHANNEL GOVERNANCEAll companies are institutionalized ones,whose channel governance decisions and practices are influenced by both the institutional environment and the task environment.With regard to marketing channel governance,the task environment is highly related to uncertainties and dependence an organization encounters,while the institutional environment has an impact on the legitimacy of its decisions,strategies,and practices.Managers should first take into account the demands of both the institutional environment and the task environment when they are governing marketing channels.Then they decide the channel structures and choose appropriate governing mechanisms and strategies to gain legitimacy and efficiency.In the end,they will achieve high channel governance efficacy,making marketing channel a real source of sustained competitive advantages.

Managers should not attempt to reduce uncertainties and dependence at the expense of legitimacy.When managers are trying to increase legitimacy,they are actually reducing the uncertainties and dependence at the same time.Therefore,strategically speaking,managers should reduce uncertainties and dependence in market channels during the institutionalized process of channel governance.

H3:Companies first pursue the legitimacy of channel governance decisions,behaviors,and processes.The higher the legitimacy is,the higher is the possibility of achieving high efficiency.

3.3Channel Governance Strategy Matrix

It may lead to misunderstanding by separate the task environment from the institutional environment in marketing channels,letting believe that the institutional environment and the task environment are independent.But actually,they are not mutually exclusive but concomitant.The two different environments have different impact on marketing channel governance.

Scott(1995)divided both the institutional environment and the task environment into weak and strong and get a two dimensional matrix with four combinations(figure 6).He proposed that different organizations are located on different positions in the matrix.



Referring to Scotts Matrix,we propose that organizations belong to different quadrants in different stages of their panies should apply different governing mechanisms and relevant strategies to gain legitimacy and efficiency,so as to improve their channel governance efficacy.


H4:Organizations can apply different combinations of governing mechanisms in accordance with the institutional environment and the task environments influence.

H4.1:When the institutional environments influence is stronger than that of the task environment,organizations should pay more attention to legitimacy mechanisms.

H4.2:When the institutional environments influence is weaker than that of the task environment,organizations should pay more attention to efficiency mechanisms.


In this paper,we conduct a case study to explain our propositions.We study the development of Avon and Amway in China.Since their entry into Chinas market,they have experienced two tremendous changes of Chinas policy.The first change forced to transform their operation patterns.The second one gave them a chance to develop.During the first change,the two companies chose different transforming path.The second change just begins.Our analysis tries to figure out why they chose different transforming paths during the first change and what they should do to deal with they second change,especially what Avon should do to deal with the problems raised by the second change.

4.1Different Transforming Paths

In a response to the policy change,Avon and Amway transformed the operation modes.They both saw the big prospect of China market and wanted to survive and achieve fast development in China.So their operations have to conform to legal requirements and satisfy other stakeholders.After the release of the“Notice on the Relevant Issues concerning Foreign Investment Pyramid Sales Enterprises Change of Sale Modes”,the first thing that both Avon and Amway had to do was to transform their operation modes so as to gain pragmatic legitimacy that is required by legal institutions.Therefore,Avon began to set up counters and stores in Chinas tier-1,tier-2,and tier-3 cities through cooperating with its distributors.Amway set up about 110 counters with its own investment.Avon totally changed its original operation modes and its transformation is considered as a successful example of combining abidance by the rules and market operations.However,Amways transformation is more like temporary compromise.Although Amway set up 110-plus counters according to the Notice,these counters are just Amways outlets.

SCENE 1THE FIRST TRANSFORMINGAvon entered Chinas market in 1990.It applied direct selling as its main distribution channel.Amway entered China in 1995 and it also applied its traditional direct selling to operate its business in Chinas market.However,with the fast development of direct selling in China,some cheating companies rushed out in the name of direct selling.They sold inferior products and were blamed by customers.On April 21 of 1998,China government issued a bill,prohibiting pyramid sales(including direct sales)in China.On June 18 of 1998,the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation,the State Administration for Industry and Commerce,and State Bureau of Internal Trade co-released the “Notice on the Relevant Issues concerning Foreign Investment Pyramid Sales Enterprises Change of Sale Modes” and regulated that foreign investment pyramid sales enterprises must transform to store operation,urging ten foreign investment direct sales enterprises to transform their operations.

Avon and Amway began to transform in 1999.But the difference is that they choose different transforming paths.Avon began to set up about 6000 counters and stores in Chinas tier-1,tier-2,and tier-3 cities,most of which were invested by its distributors.In contrast,Amway just symbolically set up about 110 counters,which were all invested by Amway.The nature of its operation modes did not change

Actually,their choices of transformation paths are closely related to their strategies and their respective core capabilities.Their choices of different modes are based on their core competences and inherent advantages.They both realized that the closer their transformation directions are to their core capabilities and inherent advantages,the lower the expense will be and the higher the possibilities of achieving successes.

Avon was founded by David McConnell in 1886 and was respected as the originator of direct sales.There are only two levels(SM-FD)in Avons system of direct selling.All its incomes are based on sales.Avon never used words like “up-line or down-line”.This system is totally different from the pyramid sales.Miss Avon only sells products but never persuade anybody to participate in alliances.SM is rather a small distributor in Avons original sales chain.The only difference is that there was no counter at that time.Therefore,Avons transformation is reasonable and logic.

Avons traditional mode is single level marketing.Selling products at fixed places has been invented and promoted by Avon Philippines in 1970s.Avon found that the mode invented by Avon Philippines has a good effect on covering new customers,recruiting and training sales representatives,providing services to the representatives and customers,and building the companys image.Therefore,Avon decided to transform to sell products through wholesaling and retailing.Avon applied and approved the new mode of “store plus salespersons” later,but this was just an alternative choice for Avon.Actually,Avon had transformed from a direct sales enterprise to a traditional manufacturer,which sells its products through wholesaling and retailing.In order to sell products,Avon set up counters in department stores,wholesale products to distributors and retailers,and set up stores of their own.

Amway has been famous for its pyramid sales mode all over the world.Sales are achieved within the multi-level network made up of sales representatives and customers.Amways core capabilities and inherent advantages determined that Amway would not set up too many counters and stores.Discarding pyramid sales,Amway wont be Amway any more.“Amway” stands for “the American Way”.Amway left too much imaginative space for Chinese customers when it entered China in 1995.After its transformation,Amway began to recruit salespersons through the stores.In early 2005,Amway decided to stop recruiting new salespersons and manage its 70000-plus salespersons according to their geographic locations so as to appear to be normative and effective.Actually,Amway has been retaining the essence of stimulation mechanisms of pyramid sales after its transformation,which is a key driving force for its rocket development after the transformation.

The way of implementing sales is the key to distinguish pyramid sales and traditional sales.Amway looks like other commodity manufacturers after setting up stores,but actually the stores are just extensions of its previous distribution center.Up till now,Amway only set up about 110 stores in China.Amway has repeatedly stressed that its salespersons should not sponsor sales training programs in the cities which have no Amway stores.Therefore,the stores are just symbols.They are just Amways storehouses and outlets.The real sales are achieved through person to person sales.

Amways advertisements are used to prove that it has transformed and is not a traditional pyramid sales enterprise any more.But actually,advertising is the basis of pyramid sales in China.When pyramid salespersons are confronted with customers challenges,they will reply with “it is impossible to cheat you because this product has been advertised by CCTV”.But all Amways advertisements are only limited to Nutrition that has brought huge sales and profits to the company.

Amway has left people a impression that it is good at political public relations.Because of its political public relation capability,Amway was not force to really change its operation mode.

4.2Who Suffer From Setbacks


In April of 1998,China Government released the “Notice on the Relevant Issues concerning Foreign Investment Pyramid Sales Enterprises Change of Sale Modes” and regulated that foreign investment pyramid sales enterprises must transform to store operation,urging ten foreign investment direct sales enterprises to transform their operations.About 7 years later,Avon had set up more than 6000 stores in China and nearly changed into a traditional cosmetics manufacturer.In the contrast,Amway just symbolically reacted to the change and set up about 110 stores.Amway goes on to apply its traditional operation mode.In 2005,Amways sale in China had exceeded one billion US.dollars.China has become Amways biggest market on the globe.Avons sale is four times of that before the change.But it is only 2.4 billion RMB and is less than one fourth of Amways

According to the description above,Amways sale is far better than Avons since their transformations in 1998.Our analysis provides several accounts that might explain the disequilibrium.

First of all,Avons transformation from direct selling to traditional stores caused twitches to Avons development.Avon had to take time to adapt to the sudden change.In the contrast,Amway just set up about 110 stores,which are just symbols of its transformation.Amways operation mode does not change in the nature.For Amway,it is just an investment in channels instead of twitches.Although Amways sale once fell to 10 million RMB in the r\early stage of its transformation,that was just the temporary result of the release of the Notice.

As a sale method that has been existed in western countries for decades,pyramid sale do have its own merits.It is said that the newly issued “Regulation on Direct Selling Administration” also acknowledges this.Amway did not seek incomes from its salespersons.It was a honest enterprise.Since its transformation in 1998,it gained even more living space,since other pyramid sales enterprises were suffering from twitches raised by sudden transformation.

Secondly,most of Avons profits were taken away by its distributors since its transformation,since most of the stores were invested by the distributors.Amway invested all its stores.When Avon chose to transform to stores,its purpose was to occupy the national market.This could be testified by its rapid expanding speed.Avon wanted to set up stores in most of Chinas tier-1,tier-2,and tier-3 cities,it was impossible for itself to invest in all the stores.Avon had to cooperate with regional distributors.Avon could save money and time as well through cooperation with distributors.But Avon had to separate part of its profits to the distributors,or the distributors would not make investment.This is part of the reason why Avons sale was only one fourth of Amways.

In the contrast,Amways prices did not change after the transformation,since its operation mode was the same.A prerequisite for pyramid sales is high price,which include the profits of multilevel salespersons.The extra high price of Amway products had always been challenged by Chinese consumers.

In the end,Amways success of dodging policy makes those companies that really transformed look like victims.For example,Avon suffered a lot from its real transformation.Amway achieved fast development when Avon was suffering from twitches.

Based on the above analysis,we can find that both Avon and Amway have gains and pains during their first round of competition.Although Avons sale was only one fourth of Amways,its image as “a good boy” had been recognized.This was proved by the first license of pilot direct selling.Beside,its sale had been improved to four times of that before the transformation.Amway developed even faster and its sale had exceeded one billion US.dollar.But it has left an impression of “the bad boy”.

4.3Avons Conflicts with Its Distributors


AND MODERN CHANNELOn April 8 of 2005,Andrea Jung declared in Beijing that Avon had been approved by the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce to conduct pilot direct selling in Beijing,Tianjin,and Guangdong.On April 19,Avon announced its pilot plan in Guangzhou.Avon would recruit 3000 salespersons in Beijing,Tianjin,and Guangdong.The salespersons would carry out sales in the three places after being trained.The bonus that the salespersons would get would not exceed 25%of the sales.To guarantee customers benefits,Avon deposited 20 million RMB into an account specified by the Ministry of Commerce as warrants.

However,Avon had no time to applaud its victory since it encountered conflicts between traditional channel and modern channel in Guangzhou.The salespersons could provide products and service to consumers.This leads to pressures on the distributors.Several distributors gathered at Avons headquarters in Guangzhou and desired return of goods

Avon encountered conflicts with its distributors at very beginning of the second round of competition with Amway.We argue that the conflict is inevitable,because Avon didnt take into account the extent to which its decision and plan of the pilot direct selling are accepted and recognized by the distributors,and threactions the distributors would take.At the present,Avon had set up more than 6000 stores and 1700 counters,most of which are invested by its distributors.Avon once promised 34%to 40%profits when it persuaded the distributors to invest in setting up stores and counters.After implementing pilot direct selling,sales would skip the distributors and the salespersons could pick up goods directly from Avon.It was obvious that the stores would be stroked.

We argue that the conflict is inevitable out of the following reasons.

First of all,there exist a wide gap between the objectives of Avon and its distributors.Actually,Avons operation mode in China is not pure single level direct selling,but is more like traditional stores that wholesale and retail simultaneously,since it does not have salespersons team,nor does it have stimulation mechanisms for salespersons.Its main income comes from stores and counters.Avon and its distributors form a relative loosely connected super-organization,whose distinct feature is that the members maintain different and interdependent objective systems.Although both Avon and its distributors have contributed to improving efficiency and saving costs so as to achieving channel objectives,they have different claims and opinions with regard to how to achieve the whole channel objectives.For example,as the only enterprise that got the license for pilot direct selling,Avon surely wants to improve its market share in China and competitiveness through the pilot direct selling,so as to realize its long-term development strategies.However,the distributors treat the pilot direct selling as ominous sign,since pilot selling did not only reduce their sales,but also make their inventories a burden.

Of course,Avon wants to see co-existence of the salespersons and the distributors,providing superior service to Avons terminal consumers.But this seems to be Avons own wishful thinking.The channel conflicts caused by the differences in their objectives will test the marketing skills and channel governance capabilities of Avons top management.

Secondly,the benefits of the salespersons and the distributors are unbalanced.Different channel members play different roles.Each member has its own space and action range.Whats more,each member will try to strive for a decision area that is unique to itself.At the present,Avons income mainly comes from stores and counters,who are the main forces of providing services to customers and promoting Avons development.However,the pilot direct selling will have a great influence on the counters and stores.Since salespersons have the right to pick up products directly from Avon,direct selling can reduce indirect and direct costs.Therefore,they have the price advantages.Maybe in the near future,most of Avons income is gained by salespersons and the stores and counters would become Avons exhibition hall and after-service stations.The benefits of the salespersons and the distributors will be unbalanced.

Thirdly,there exist cognitive differences between Avon and its distributors.Avon believes that the advantage of direct selling lies in person to person sales,since salespersons can send products to consumers homes and offices.The distributors hold that their patrons will become salespersons if Avon implements direct selling,which will directly influence the incomes of their employees and lead to employee drainage.The stores are not pure stores any more after the implementation of direct selling,but outlets for Avons direct selling.This makes the distributors unable to afford the high costs of running the stores.The cognitive difference between Avon and its distributors is also one of the causes of the conflicts.

Finally,it is a result of the conflicts between multi-channels.At the present,consumers can buy appropriate Avon products from various channels,including counters,stores,internet stores,and informal channels such as gray channels and illegal stores.Of course,the stores and counters contribute the most to Avon before the implementation of pilot direct selling,so Avon is highly dependent on them.Avon relies on high profit to keep its distributors loyalty.Nevertheless,direct selling requires lots of salespersons to show its competitive advantages.In order to adapt to the rules of direct selling,Avon has to reduce its dependence on its distributors and pay attention to rear its salespersons.Since its transformation in 1998,Avons distributors have contributed a lot to its development in China.Avons implementation do direct selling will have a great impact on the stores performance.The multi-channel conflict between person to person sales and traditional stores is a twitch that Avon experienced during its transformation.

It is obvious that Avons decision and implementation of direct selling is not accepted and recognized by its distributors,leading to the conflict and hostile behaviors.Avon has to apply appropriate strategies and tactics to solve the problems.


Marketing channel has been considered as one of the sources of sustained competitive advantages.But few companies can really gain sustained advantages from market channel.In the long-range,the primary goal of a company is to survive and then develop.The competition becomes more and more intensive,so the importance of market channels increase.But in previous studies and practices,researchers and managers paid too much attention to the influences of channel governance decisions and behaviors on organizations performance and overlooked the influences of the extent to which those decisions and behaviors were accepted and recognized by other stakeholders on organizations efficiency.

5.2Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research

Our study is explorative.Some concepts are not described in detail and need further complementation and improvement.The institutional environment and the task environment may influence each other.But the influencing process might be very complicated,so we do not carry out a in-depth study.

5.3Strategic Implications

Our study suggests that it is important for managers to understand how institutional environment shapes channel structures and processes.Institutional environment(1)regulates,(2)validates and(3)gives meaning,to channel structures and processes.Although the influence of regulatory processes is clearly visible and discernible,problems may arise when managers deal with normative and cognitive institutions.By understanding how these institutions constrain and facilitate channel structures and processes,managers should be able to(1)better manage their channel within the confines of the institutional environment and(2)devise strategies to think and move beyond the confines of the institutional environment.


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中图分类号:F810.42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3309(2012)01-105-02














































2.向全国各地各儿童福利院和其他特殊家庭捐助大量产品,至今价值近1 000多万元。2007年,贝因美与中国儿童少年基金会联手共同设立1 000万元的“贝因美母婴关爱基金”,旨在关爱弱势群体,把爱心献给最需要的人群。首批启动的100万元基金,针对农村0~2岁留守女童展开了援助。与此同时,从灾区婴童的长期需要考虑,贝因美还联手中国儿童基金会启动了为期六年、预算达1 200万元的“四川地震婴童公益扶养计划”,向灾区的孤儿、单亲家庭及认养孤儿的家庭提供长期的全方位养教扶助。





1.搭建完善的技术平台。贝因美有着完善的信息化营销服务平台及包括客户服务管理系统、电子商务系统、UFmobile系统、Call Center系统、专家知识系统、市场营销管理系统、决策支持系统等在内的ERP系统,为员工进行知识交流、提高知识学习与共享能力提供技术支持提供了保证,如通过专家知识系统,员工可以获取外部信息、截取情报资料、推动产品知识、宣传企业形象;通过UFmobile,贝因美搭建了与客户沟通的短信平台,可以随时提供服务、辅助销售、留住客户、提高效率、品牌整合与延续,并可以通过短信促销、客户关怀、新品上市通知、促销信息、会员生日提醒等模式,将其几十万的客户资料进行有效的管理,每天从短信平台中就可以得到几百条客户需求线索,形成一个良好的宣传渠道。














