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发布时间:2022-03-12 09:46:10




关键词:英文合同 翻译 结构 词语特点





1999年中国《合同法》第二条将contract定义为:A contract in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations”。根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。

Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“Contract is a promise,or a set of promises,for breach of which the law gives remedy,or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看作是一种补偿。

2. 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。


L.B Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到:“Contract generally involves”

1. offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance (要约和绝对接受)

2. consensus ad idem (意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds)

3. intention to create legal relations (建立合同关系的意愿)

4. genuineness of consent (同意的真实性)

5. contractual capacity of the parties (合同当事人的缔约能力)

6. legality of object(标的物的合法性)

7. possibility of performance (履行的可能性)

8. certainty of terms(条款的确定性)

9. valuable consideration(等价有偿)




This agreement/contract is made and entered in to this ______day of______(month),______(year) by and between Party A (hereinafter called “ Party A ”)and Party B(hereinafter called “ Party B ”)



... It is hereby agreed as follows:



NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows:


IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and years first above written.


第三,英文合同翻译的用词特点(formal term)


1. may,shall,must,may not(或shall not)的使用;may,shall, must,may not (或shall not)对学过英语的人来说再熟悉不过了,但在合同中用这些词时要极其谨慎。


may旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),shall约定当事人的义务(应当做什么时候),must用于强制性义务(必须做什么),may not (或shall not)用于禁止性义务(不得做什么)。may do不能说成can do,shall do,不能说成should do或ought to do, may not do,在美国一些法律文件里可以用shall not,但绝不能用can not do或must not),例如,在约定解决争议的途径时,可以说:

The parties here to shall, first of all, settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by friendly negotiations.

Should such negotiations fail, such dispute may be referred to the People’s Court having jurisdiction on such dispute for settlement in the absence of any arbitration clause in the disputed contract or in default of agreement reached after such dispute occurs.



2.正式用语(formal term)



“因为”的短语多用“by virtue of ”,远远多于“due to”,一般不用“because of ”;

“财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”;

“在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用“before”;

“关于”常用“as regards”,“concerning”或“relating to”,而不会用“about”;

“事实上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”;


“停止做”用“cease to do”,而不用“stop to do”;

“何时开会并由某某主持”的表述为:The meeting shall be convened and presided by sb.

“其他事项”用“miscellaneous”,而不用“other matters/events”;

“理解合同”用“construe a contract”或“comprehend a contract”,而不用“understand a contract”;


3.用词专业(technical terms)

合同用词不以大众是否理解和接受为转移,它是合同语言准确表达的保障。如合同出现的“瑕疵”、“救济”、“不可抗力”、“管辖”、“损毁”、“灭失”等就可能让非行业人士费解,用以上英语表达分别为defect,remedy,force majeure /Act of God,jurisdiction,damage and/or loss。另外几乎每个合同都少不了hereinafter referred to as ,such... as ,whereas, in witness whereof, for and on behalf of , hereby, thereof 等虚词,就其中几个细说:


1. Hereby: by means of; by reason of this之意,即特此,因此,兹等意。常用于法律文件、合同协议的正式文件的开头语,在条款中需要强调时也可用。举原文说明,如:The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 文中:

hereby意为 by reason of this,特此的意思。

therein意为in the Works在本工程中。

such...as是关系代词,相当于that, which,把要限定的词置于such与as之间使要限定的名词十分明确,避免合同双方在理解上发生争议。



“不动产转让”用“conveyance”,而不用“transfer of real estate”

“房屋出租”用“tenancy”,而“财产出租”用“lease of property”

“停业”用“wind up a business”或“cease (名词是cessation) a business”,而不用“end/stop a business”。



“依照合同相关规定”一般说成“pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein”等,不说成“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contract”。

“合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文表述为“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”,选用“Neither party to the contract”较少。


FOR value RECEIVED,the undersigned does hereby sell, transfer, assign and set over to _____all his right, tile and interest in and to a certain contract dated_____, 19 _____by and between the undersigned and _____,a copy of which is annexed hereto.

在这里的同义词和近义词并列(如sell, transfer, assign and set over,right和 tile and interest),在英文合同里十分普遍。这是出于严谨和杜绝漏洞的考虑,有的也属于合同用语的固定模式。如:

This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.句中“made and entered into”和“by and between”两组分别属于同义词和相关词并列。

For and in consideration of mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 句中“for and in consideration of ”, “covenants and agreements”三组同义司和近义词并列。

The parties have agreed to vary the Management on the terms and subject to the conditions contained herein. 这里的“on the terms”和“subject to the conditions”是一个意思,都表示“依照本协议的条款规定”。合同条款的固定模式是“terms and conditions”

再例如:“Party A wishes to be released and discharged from agreement as from the effective date”,一句中的“release”和“discharge”的意思几乎相同。


ships and vessels

support and maintenance

licenses and permits

charges, fees, costs and expenses

any and all

any duties, obligations or liabilities

the partners, their heirs, successors and assigns



A. 限定责任 众所周知,合同中要明确规定双方的责任。为英译出双方责任的权限与范围,常常使用连词和介词的固定结构。现把最常用的此类结构举例说明如下。

1.1 and/or常用 and/or 英译合同中“甲和乙+甲或乙”的内容,这样就可避免漏译其中的一部分。


The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and/or cargo on board.

1.2 by and between

常用by and between强调合同是由“双方”签订的,因此双方必须严格履行合同的责任。例2:买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品并签订本合同。

This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller,whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the undermentioned commodity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below.

B. 限定时间英译与时间有关的文字,都应非常严格慎重地处理,因为合同对时间的要求是准确无误。所以英译起止时间时,常用以下结构来限定准确的时间。

2.1 双介词 用双介词英译含当天日期在内的起止时间。


Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and after September 20.


Our terms are cash within three months, i.e. on or before May not (no) later than用“not (no) later than +日期”英译“不迟于某月某日”。


Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. not later than December 15.

2.2 include的相应形式



This credit expires till January 1(inclusive) for negotiation in Beijing. (or This credit expires till and including January 1 for negotiation in Beijing.) 如果不包括1月1日在内,英译为till and not including January 1。

3.1 大写文字重复金额英译金额须在小写之后,在括号内用大写文字重复该金额,即使原文合同中没有大写,英译时也必须加上大写。在大写文字前加上“SAY”,意为“大写”;在最后加上“ONLY”意思为“整”。必须注意:小写与大写的金额数量要一致。例7:聘方须每月付给受聘方美元500元整。

Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US $ 500 (SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY).

3.2. 正确使用货币符号

英译金额必须注意区分和正确使用各种不同的货币名称符号。“$”既可代表“美元”,又可代表其他某些地方的货币;而“£”不仅代表“英镑”,又可代表其他某些地方的货币。必须注意:当金额用数字书写时,金额数字必须紧靠货币符号,例如:Can $891,568,不能写成:Can $ 891,568。另外,翻译时还要特别注意金额中是小数点(.)还是分节号(,),因为这两个符号极易引起笔误,稍有疏忽,其后果是不堪设想的。








Sales and Purchase ContractFOR

Manganese Ore

This contract is made and entered into onXX, Febunder terms and conditions as per the international chamber of commerce-600 (ICC UCP-600/2007 revision) by and between:

The Buyer:



The Seller :



Whereby seller agrees to sell to buyer and Buyer agrees to buy from seller Manganese Ore under following the terms and conditions stipulated below:

Article 1 Commodity

Concentrated manganese Ore

Article 2 Specifications

Concentrated Manganese Ore

Size: 0-5mm (90% min)

% Mn min. 40.0%

% Fe max. 15.0%

% Silica ( SiO2 ) max. 1.0%

% Aluminum ( Al ) max. 4.0%

% S max. 0.20%

% P max. 0.10%

Moisture max. 7%

Article 3 Quantity:

500 MT, partial shipment not allowed.

Article 4 Origin and Port of loading

4.1 Republic of ABC

4.2 Loading port:

Article 5 Packing/Delivery

5.1 In50 kg sack

5.2 Incontainer Shipment, more or less 20 tons.

Article 6 Shipment/Delivery

6.1 500MT(+/-5%)partial shipment not allowed

6.2 Shipment will be 90 days after signing of this contract and after the acceptance of the Letter of Credit by seller’s bank. L/C will be openedafter BuyerreceivingProforma Invoice from Sellerwith confirmation of the delivery schedule.

6.3 The Buyer has the right to appoint the independent surveyor or his representative to conduct the Pre-shipment Inspection and/or conduct the joint-inspection of the material with buyer for his own account.

Article 7 Contracted Price and Values

Price:Mn: 48% and above - USD0.00/%/DMTCFRCY Port, China

40% - 47.9% - USD 0.00 /%/DMTCFRCY Port, China

The Mn content will be average of the joint-inspection testing result at loading port.

Article 8 Payment

8.1 Payment shall be effected in full by an irrevocable Letter of Credit, which will be opened by 1stclass bank in Hong Kong or Singapore, 100% at sight upon presentation of shipping documents.

A. Seller’s Banking Details:

Bank Name :

Bank Address :

Account Name :


B. Buyer’s bank issues L/C to the Seller's bank via S.W.I.F.T. wire transfer.

Buyer’s Banking Details:

Bank Name : (will be advised)

Bank Address :

Account Name:

S.W.I.F.T. Address SWIFT :

Article 10 Inspection of Analysis & Weight

The shipmentinspection and analysis shall be done byCCICappointed by the Seller and one independent surveyor (i.e.: SGS or Geo-Chem, etc) appointed by the buyeras agreed by both parties at site before loading to container. While final weightand qualitydetermination shall be done atloadingportby the above joint-survey.Moisture content shall be deducted from the total weight shipped.

Article 11 Documents

Seller shall present the following documents to the buyer:

A. Signed Commercial Invoice for 100% of the total cargo value indicating, quantity, unit price and the total Amount of Value of the delivered commodity , 1 original and 3 copies.

B. Certificates of quantity, quality and weight issued byCCICand one independent surveyor appointed by the buyer.

C. Certificate of Origin issued by ABC Department Of Trade or concerned Government authorities, I original and 2 copies.

D. Weight List, showing total weight , 1 original and 3 copies.

E. Bill of Lading, 3 original copies and 3 non-negotiable copies.

Article 12 Force Majeure

The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeureunder UCP 600. The seller shall advise the buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within 3 days thereafter the seller shall send a notice by courier to the buyer of their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the local chamber of commerce under whose jurisdiction the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the seller , however, are still under obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than 60 days the buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract.

Article 13 Arbitration

All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (UCP-600/2007 or Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits) by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules. The arbitration shall be conducted in ABCbythe English language.






This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop bussiness on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:


Contracting Parties


Supplier(hereinafter called “party A”):_________


Agent(hereinafter called “party B”):_________


Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below.


Commodity and Quantity or Amount

双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内, 销售不少于_________的商品。

It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than _________ of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement。




In _________ only.


Confirmation of Orders


The quantities, prices and shipments of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed in each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto.




After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight in favour of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after L/C is opened so that Party A can get prepared for delivery.




Upon the expiration of the Agreement and Party B's fullfilment of the total turnover mentioned in Article 2, Party A shall pay to Party B _________% commission on the basis of the aggregate amount of the invoice value against the shipments effected.


Reports on Market Conditions


Party B shall forward once every three months to party A detailed reports on current market conditions and of consumers' comments. Meanwhile, Party B shall,from time to time, send to party A samples of similar commodities offered by other suppliers, together with their prices, sales information and advertising materials.


Advertising & Publicity Expenses


Party B shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity within the aforementioned territory in the duration of this Agreement and submit to Party A all patterns and/or drawings and description for prior approval.


Validity of Agreement



This Agreement, after its being signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force for _________ days from _________ to _________ If either Party wishes to extend this Agreement, he shall notice, in writing, the other party one month prior to its expiration. The matter shall be decided by the agreement and by consent of the parties hereto. Should either party fail to implement the terms and conditions herein, the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement.




All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. The decision made by this Commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party ,unless otherwise awarded.


Other Terms & Conditions


Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to any other buyer(s) in the above mentioned territory. Direct enquiries, if any, will be referred to Party B. However, should any other buyers wish to deal with Party A directly, Party A may do so. But party A shall send to Party B a copy of Sales Confirmation and give Party B _________% commission on the basis of the net invoice value of the transaction(s)concluded.


Should Party B fail to pass on his orders to Party A in a period of _________ months for a minimum of _________, Party A shall not bind himself to this Agreement.


For any business transacted between governments of both Parties, Party A may handle such direct dealings as authorized by Party A's government without binding himself to this Agreement. Party B shall not interfere in such direct dealings nor shall Party B bring forward any demand for compensation therefrom.


This Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions in the Sales Confirmation signed by both parties hereto.


This Agreement is signed on _________ at _________ and is in two originals;each Party holds one.


承租方(以下简称乙方):Lessee (hereinafter called party B)



According to Contract Law of PRC and other regulations, the two parties through consultation hereby agree upon,and shall be bound by,the following terms:

第一条 甲方出租的厂房位于杭州******工业园区一号厂房,一至二层及办公用房。

Article 1: The leasing item is the no.1 workshop from the first floor to the second floor and some offices located in******* District of Hangzhou.

第二条 租赁期限共**年。租赁从*****年9月1日至*****年8月30日止。

Article 2:Lease term is five years from September 1, 2007 to August 30, 2012.

第三条 一号厂房一至二层面积共计________平方米。每平方米租金为_______元人民币每年。办公用房共计 平方米,年租金为__________元人民币。租金合计为 元人民币每年。

Article 3: The area of the no.1 workshop from the first floor to the second floor is square meters the rent of which is per square meter every year.The area of offices is square meters the rent of which is yuan in RMB.The above rent adds up to RMB ________yuan a year.

第四条 租金全年共计 元人民币,平均每月为_________元。

Article 4 :The rent is RMB yuan per year and RMB _________yuan per month on average.

第五条 乙方必须按时向甲方缴纳租金,先支付后使用,第一次租金支付方式:本协议签订之日起三日内付一季度租金。

Article 5: Party B should pay rent to party A at the prescribed time before putting into use. The rent of the first three months shall be paid within 3 days from the day on which this agreement is reached.

第六条 其余需租赁的厂房面积按实际使用结算。

Article 6: The rent and other fees of the rest factory premises if used are paid according to the actual area which is used.

第七条 乙方用电容量应控制在每平方米_______以内,用水量应控制在 吨/月。




Article 7: Power utilization shall be within the electric capacity of ________

every square meter, utilization of water should be within ________tons every month.

Within the above scope, party B pays the electricity bills every month by the rate of RMB yuan KWH(kilowatt-hour) which shall be paid at the latest on every 30th.

Beyond the scope ,then party B shall undertake all the responsibilities and make up the loss of party A which is caused by overuse of power and water .If party A suffers no disadvantageous result from it, then party B pays the fines, the charge of water and electricity by the regulations of related government departments.

The charge of power that party B pays party A according to the national standard every month is settled to his actual usage.

第八条 相关费用的承担情况

Article 8:Regulations about other fees


1, Party B undertakes a fee of RMB 1000 yuan monthly for ensuring public security.


2, The charge of water is settled and paid to the actual usage each month.


3, Party B pays party A RMB 400 yuan monthly as the fees for the public affairs such as maintenance of the environment and hygiene in party A‘s factory as well as landscaping .etc.



4, In case the workers and staff of party B have dinner in party A‘s mess hall, meal cost is settled and paid monthly to the mess hall’s standard.


5,For the management of industrial park , the related property management department will take the fees of rent, water & electricity and the fees for ensuring public security. etc.

第九条 甲方负责园区内的环境卫生、门卫、保卫及水、电户外设施保养,维修等事务。厂房电梯(货梯)三至四楼使用时应保证乙方租赁的厂房电梯的正常运转。

Article 9: Party A is responsible for the maintenance of environment and hygiene in the industrial park, safeguard, facilities of water ,power outside . etc.

The elevators in the leasing items shall run smoothly when the people on the third or fourth floors are using them.

第十条 乙方在厂房内安装设备或堆放货物,不得超过楼面设计负载 500 kg/m?。乙方对房屋的使用和装修必须符合消防、环保、治安、防疫等方面的要求,按规定配置设施。


Article 10 : Party B shall not install equipments or pile goods over 500 kilos per square meter in the leasing items .The use and decoration of the house shall comply with the requirements of fire control ,environmental protection ,public security and epidemic prevention etc.

Party B shall not change the usage and construction of the leasing items .If party B has special requirements or the government has special regulations , party B shall first apply for approval from related government departments .If permitted ,then all the expenses of reformation or improvement will be undertaken by party B .

第十一条 乙方的财产应参加保险,并做好防盗、保安、防火防灾工作,对乙方因被盗、抢以及火灾等事故或不可抗力(如地震、洪水等)所产生的任何损失,均由乙方自行承担,与甲方及物业管理公司无涉。

Article 11:Party B‘s should cover insurance for his property, and take proper measures to guard against theft, fire and ensure public security .In case of accidents , robbery, fire.etc or force majeure(like earthquake, flood……etc.), party B undertakes the loss by himself not party A or the related property management department.

第十二条 乙方全权承担所属员工出现的违法违规和其它纠纷责任,当乙方的设备、人员在园区发生损失和事故时,由乙方全权承担处理及损失责任,一律与甲方无涉。

Article 12: Party B shall be responsible for the illegal conducts of his employees and other responsibilities of disputes with other parties. Party B shall undertake all the responsibilities and the loss in case any loss or accidents occur in party B‘ industrial park.

第十三条 如因乙方使用不当造成房屋或设施损坏的,乙方应立即负责修复或予以经济赔偿。

Article 11 :In case of damage of house and equipment caused by party B ,he shall make repairs immediately or bear the compensation accordingly.



Article 13: Party A shall inform party B in written notice seven days in advance in case he intends to maintain the leasing items or auxiliary facilities , party B should cooperate readily.

第十四条 乙方如需要对房屋进行改造或增扩设备时,应事先征得甲方的书面同意,并按规定向有关部门办理报批手续后,方可进行。

Article 14: If party B intends to carry on reformation of the houses or add equipments, he shall inform party A in advance to get written approval, and apply to the concerning departments before starting the procedure.

第十五条租赁期内,甲方如需要转让或抵押该房屋,当产权发生变更时,甲方(或新业主)仍要继续执行原合同,具体手续由甲方负责。Article 15: within the leasing term, if party A intends to transfer the leasing items or mortgage. party A(or new owner) shall still continue to carry out this original contract and carry out the related procedures.

第十六条 租赁期内,如遇国家或当地政府因建设或开发需要,厂房拆迁时,乙方无条件终止本协议,预收部分租金全额退还,其余一切损失由乙方自行负责。

Article 16:In the leasing term, if the central government or local government needs to make construction or development, this contract shall terminate, party A gives back the rent and deposit received in advance , other related loss shall be undertaken by party B.

第十七条 租赁期内,乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权单方面终止本协议,收回该房屋,没收乙方租赁保证金并采取水、电停等强制性办法。由此而造成甲方损失的,乙方应予以赔偿。

Article 17: In the leasing period, in case of one of the following conducts by party B, party A has the right to terminate this contract, take back the leasing items and confiscate the deposit and stop supply of water and power etc. Party B shall pay for any compensation for this.





1, Changing the usage of leasing prescribed in the contract or carry on illegal activities.

2, Without party A‘s approval ,changing the structure of the leasing items without authorization. Or causing damages to the items and having not recovered it within the ordered time after getting written notice from party A.

3, Without the approval from party A, subleasing ,transferring the lease items or making subtenancy, transpose.

4, Without the approval from party A, delaying in payment of rent for more than one month ,meanwhile refusing to pay belated payment. Or delaying in payment for charge of water or power more than one month .

第十八条甲方应按合同签订的出租日期将出租的房屋交乙方使用。如甲方逾期不交房屋的,则每逾期一天应向乙方支付租金双倍的违约金。 Article 18: Party A shall hand over the leasing items to party B on the date as prescribed in this contract ,oth[!]erwise giving twice of the rent as liquidated damages by the day.

第十九条 乙方逾期交付租金及物业管理费,除如数补交外,按日支付逾期租金款项的万分之四的滞纳金,逾期交付水电费等其他费用的,按逾期交纳款项的千分之一支付滞纳金。

Article 19: In case of delay in paying rent or fees of property management beyond the prescribed period, party B shall undertake belated payment 4/10000 more of rent by the day. For fees of power or water, it shall be 1/1000 more by the day.

第二十条 租赁期间,甲方提前收回房屋的,甲方应按即时月租的租金向乙方支付十二个月的违约金。相反乙方未经甲方同意中途擅自退租的,乙方应按即时月租金向甲方支付十二个月的违约金。

Article 20: In case party A takes back the leasing items before prescribed time and party A shall pay 12 times as much as the rent then and there as compensation .On the contrary ,in case party B quit the contract and move out of the leasing items before the prescribed time, he shall also pay 12 times as much as the rent then and there as compensation.

第二十一条 租赁期满,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋。乙方如需继续租用的,应提前三个月向甲方提出书面意向,经甲方同意后,重新签订


Article 21: Upon expiration date of this contract, party A has the right to take back all leasing items .If party B intends to continue to rent , he shall inform party A in written form three months in advance. After confirmation by party A ,the contract can be renewed. Under the same condition, Party B has the priority to continue the contract to other civil parties.

第二十二条 租赁期满,乙方应如期归还该房屋,如乙方逾期不归还的,则每逾期一天应向甲方支付原日租金双倍的违约金。

Article 22: Upon expiration of this contract, party B shall return the leasing items according to the prescribed time. In case party B fails to do so, then party B shall pay twice as much rent as the prescribed rent by the day as penalty .

第二十三条 租赁期满或乙方原因提前终止协议,乙方租赁范围内的室内外装璜除企业之间的隔断外均可自行拆除,但厂房内需清理干净,便于下一个企业入驻。

Article 23: In case of expiration of this contract or party B terminates the contract before the prescribed time, party B has the right to remove the decoration except the partition(Something that separates or holds apart) .Party B shall arrange and tidy up the leasing items so that the next leaseholder or enterprise moves in.

第二十四条 任何一方在本合同有效期内及合同结束后不得向第三方泄露本合同有关内容。

Article 24: No party shall give away the contents of the contract to the third party whether before or after the expiration of the contract.

第二十五条任何一方在本合同有效期内及本合同结束后均不得向第三方泄露在签订和履行本合同过程中获得的另一方面任何商业秘密。Article 25: Each party shall keep the business secret whether before or after the expiration of the contract which is obtained from the other party during the course of conclusion or performance of this contract.

第二十六条 因履行本合同发生的争议,由当事人协商解决,协商不成的,可依法向人民法院。

Article 26 : Any disputes arising from the contract shall be solved through consultation. In case no resolution is reached, either party can bring a lawsuit before the court.

第二十七条 本合同未尽事宜,经甲、乙双方协商一致,可订立补条款。补充条款与本协议具有同等法律效力。

Article 27: In case of any thing not covered here,supplementary clauses will be formed which have the same effect as the those in this contract.

第二十八条 双方约定的其他事项(见附件)。

Article 28: Other items that both parties agree on(see the enclosure)

第二十九条 本合同及附件经双方签字盖章后生效,一式四份(两份中文;两份英文),甲、乙双方执中、英文合同各一份。

Article 29: This contract and its enclosure come into effect upon both parties‘ signature, with 4 copies(two copies in Chinese, two copies in English), each party keeps one copy each in either language.

出租方(盖章): 承租方(盖章):

法定代表人(签名): 法定代表人(签名):

委托代表人(签名): 委托代表人(签名):



Lessor(stamp or signature):

Legal Representative (signature):

Entrusted representative (signature):

Lessee (stamp or signature):

Legal Representative (signature):

Entrusted representative (signature):

Place of signature:




合同是国家之间进行贸易的工具由于语言的障碍,中国企业签订的涉外合同大多是用中文文本,但为了方便外方合同当事人的阅读,常常会有一个英文版本,只不过会在合同中注明:如果两个版本不一致,以中文版本为准(Chinese version shall prevail)。但是,随着中外经济的交流日益广泛和深入,越来越多的国外强势企业会要求以英文版本为准,甚至不提供中文版本。这就要求国内英文专业的学生,尤其是商务英文专业的学生,要加强对英文合同特点的了解,积累相应的知识,以增强自己的择业优势。本文仅从词汇的角度分析英文合同的用词特点,力求对商务英语的教学和学习有所裨益。




这类词主要是由here、there、where等副词分别加上after、by、in、of、on、to、under、upon、with等副词构成。对于这些词,大体上可以遵循“从后朝前看这个词”的方法获得这种词汇的含义,如herein,可以理解为in here。当然,这只是从意思的理解上可以这样,从语法上讲,介词in放在here前面是说不通的;另外,也并不是所有的词都可以这样理解。比如:hereinadv.:在此,在此处(in this)。

例:The price quoted herein is based on CIF Odense with 3% commission。此报价均是CIF欧登塞,包括3%佣金。

hereinadv.:其中;在那点上;在那里(in that particular context;in that respect)。

例:You are responsible for all of the information contained therein。你对包含在里面的所有信息负责。


例:The arbitration award shall be final and binding for the Parties and the Parties agree to be bound thereby and shall act accordingly。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力,双方有义务遵守且履行。







Hereinafter:以下,在下文(通常与 to be referred to as,referred as,called 连用)。






合同是当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。合同这种法律文件在文体上的特点,一是需要明确签订合同的当事人的具体信息,比如注册地、法定代表人、授权代表人等;二是将合同内容安排在章、条、款、项之下,这一方面使合同条理清晰,另一方面也使引用条款使时更加方便、清楚。表达这些内容的一些词汇是合同这种文体所特有的词汇,在基础英语中常常很难见到,所以需要留心。如Registered office:注册地(or:Registered place)。

Legal Representative:法定代表人。

Authorized Representative:授权代表人。


Main place of business主营业地(or:principal place of business)。

Chapter/article(or:section/clause)/paragraph/sub paragraph:章、条、款、项。





2、“以资证明”(in witness whereof)。合同结尾处、当事人签章之前,常常喜欢使用“以资证明”、“特此为证”等词汇,相应的英语表达为in witness whereof,有时会使用in testimony thereof或in witness thereof。

3、“包括但不限于”(including but not limited to)。合同常常需要列举一些事项,但常常又无法穷尽所有可能的存在,为了严谨,常常就使用“包括但不限于”,相应地,英文是这样表达的:including but not limited to或including,without limitation。

4、日期(date)。日期在合同中非常重要,因此合同中常有“从某日起”、“不迟于”等表述,这类词一般有:on and after(从某日起)、on or before(不迟于,或用not later than/no later than)。需要注意的是after与on单独使用时的差异,当翻译“……到后,就……”时,用介词on(或upon),而不用after,因为after表示“之后”的时间不明确,比如,to be paid on/upon arrival of the goods(货到付款)。另外,合同中涉及日期时常用“在某月某日之前”,如果包括所写日期时,就用介词by;如果不包括所写日期,即指到所写日期的前一天为止,就要用介词before,如The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by August 20。卖方须在8月20日前交货(卖方在8月20日交货不算违约)。The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee before August 20。卖方须在8月20日前交货(因不包括8月20日,所以卖方在8月20日交货即属于违约)。



如合同中经常会用到“根据”、“按照”等词,英文用的最多的是in accordance with,pursuant to/subject to/in compliance with也经常用,或者就直接用under,但不常用according to。

“停业”用“wind up a business”或“cease(名词是cessation)a business”,而不用“end/stop a business”。

“因为”的短语多用“by virtue of”或“owing to”,一般不用“because of”。

“财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”。

“在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用“before”。

“关于”常用“as regards/in respect of/with respect to /concerning”或“relating to”,而不会用“about”。

“事实上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”。


“停止做”用“cease to do”,而不用“stop to do”。

“何时开会并由某某主持”的表述为:The meeting shall be convened and presided by sb。其中“召开”不用“hold 或call”,而用“convene”;“主持”不用“chair”或“be in charge of”,而用“preside”。

“其他事项”用“miscellaneous”,而不用“other matters/events”。

“理解合同”用“construe a contract”或“comprehend a contract”,而不用“understand a contract”。


“愿意做”用“intend to do”或“desire to do”,而不用“want to do”,“wish to do”。




要约与承诺:offer and acceptance。

权利、义务、责任:rights/obligations /liability(liabilities)。

违约、违约方:breach of contract/the breaching party。

迟延履行、不履行:delay performance/fail to perform。

不可抗力:force majeure。

合同的解除:rescission of a contract/to rescind a contract。

合同的终止:termination of a contract/to terminate a contract。

违约金:default penalty。

诉诸(法院):seek recourse to(or:resort to)。

上述词汇只是在通常的英文合同中常见的,在一些专业性很强的合同中,如国际贸易合同、国际衍生交易协议等,还有更多的专业词汇,如临时支付申请(interim application for payment)、总订单(blanket order)、现货订单(sport order)、托收单(collection order)、装运说明(shipping instructions)、守约利率(non-default rate)等等,大量的专业词汇也是需要平时在实践中积累的。


合同往往是法律性很强的文件,因此英文合同的用词必然要照顾到法律的特点。由于法律的严谨性,英语在用于表述合同时便形成了其词汇特点。首先,英文合同中会出现一些在基础英语中很难见到的词汇,这些词是由于合同的特点决定的;其次,在合同英文的长期发展过程中,合同英文还逐渐发展出其用词习惯,例如用“cease to do”而不用“stop to do”等等;最后,英文合同中还会出现大量的法律专业词汇,这些词汇增加了一般人阅读合同的难度。










[关键词] 合同法律文件复杂句翻译







If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2, then in addition to any other remedies available to the other party under this contract or underApplicableLaws,itshallindemnifyandkeep indemnified the other Party and the company against any losses,damages,costs,expenses,liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach.




1)If a Party breaches …in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18. 2

2)then in addition to …Applicable laws

3)it shall indemnify and …costs,expenses,liabilities and claims

4)that such Party or …as a result of suchbreach.


1.句的主干结构是主语(It)+(情态动词+动词原形)(shall indemnify and keep indemnified…against)+宾语(the other Party and the Company)。

2.“if”引导的是条件从句,条件句的宾语部分跟随后置定语(given by it in Articles 18. 1 or repeated in 18. 2)。

3.“in addition to”引导的是增补成分,其核心词remedies也跟了后置定语(available to the otherPartyunderthiscontract orunderApplicablelaws)。


5.固定结构“indemnify sb. Against …”使某人不受……





In the event that the Company's operations are reduced substantially from the scale of operation originally anticipated by the parties,or the Company experience substantial and continuing losses resulting in negative retained earnings not anticipated by the Parties in the agreed Business Plan, or in any other circumstance permitted under Applicable Laws or agreed by the Parties,the Parties may agree to reduce the registered capital of the Company on a pro rata basis.


(2)逆序法。所谓逆序法就是逆着原文的顺序翻译。在商务合同中,有些英语长句的表达次序与汉语习惯不同,甚至语序完全相反。因此,根据汉语的习惯,译者必须从原文句子的后面译起。 由于译文句子的前后与原文句子的前后相比,有倒置现象,因此,逆序法又称为“倒置法”。


The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due toForceMajeure,whichmightoccurduringtheprocess of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit。

这里原文的行文方式是把信息的重心放在句首,先表明卖方的免责事项(The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods),接着再规定由于什么原因引起的不能交货或延迟交货才会免责( due to Force Majeure)。而对不可抗力又做了限定(which might occurduringtheprocessofmanufacturingorinthecourse of loading or transit)。而按照汉民族的思维习惯往往是先谈原因再讲结论。因此翻译时译者应采用逆序的方法将原文表示免责条件的“duetoForceMajeure,whichmight…ofloadingortransit” 移到句首。再者, 英语中的非限制性定语从句(即本句中的which might occur... of loading or transit)翻译成中文时要么仍翻译成定语放在所修饰的词之前,要么处理为别的成分。根据以上分析,原文可翻译为:凡在制造或装船运输过程中,因不可抗力致使卖方不能或推迟交货时,卖方不负责任。



EitherPartymayterminate thecontract incase of failure on the part of the other Party to fulfill or perform any of its obligations hereunder and in the event that such failure remains unremediedsixty (60) days after the service of a written noticeas described in Article X below by the non-defaulting Party to the other Party specifying the failure in question andrequiring it to be remedied.

原文是商务合同中有关期限和终止的条款,按照先讲结论,即合同任一方具有的权利(Either Party may terminate the contract)然后再列举实施此权利的条件(in case of failure ... and in the eventthat ...)的顺序行文,而汉民族的行文习惯往往是先条件后结论,所以译文在整体上应采用逆序法。但,即:违约行为60天内未改正,60天是从无责任方书面通知送达之日算起,书面通知中无责任方已指出对方违约行为并要求其改正等等。如不对内容进行分解,则可能导致句义混乱。因此,翻译此句时应采用拆译法,以期将原文意思表述清楚。参考译文:如果一方未完成或未履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,而且未按照下述第X条规定在另一方向其送达书面通知,指出其违约行为并要求其予以改正后六十(60)天内,其仍未子以改正,另一方则可以终止本合同。







卖方SELLER:DESUN TRADING CO., LTD.HUARONG MANSION RM2901 NO.85 GUANJIAQIAO,NANJING 210005, CHINATEL: 0086-25-4715004 FAX: 0086-25-4711363编号NO.:NEO20xx026日期DATE:Feb. 28, 20xx地点SIGNED IN:NANJING, CHINA买方BUYER:NEO GENERAL TRADING CO.P.O. BOX 99552, RIYADH 22766, KSATEL: 00966-1-4659220 FAX: 00966-1-4659213买卖双方同意以下条款达成交易:This contract Is made by and agreed between the BUYER and SELLER , in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below.

1. 品名及规格Commodity & Specification2. 数量Quantity3. 单价及价格条款Unit Price & Trade Terms4. 金额AmountCFR DAMMAM PORT, SAUDI ARABIAABOUT 1700 CARTONS CANNED MUSRHOOMS PIECES & STEMS 24 TINS X 425 GRAMS NET WEIGHT (D.W. 227 GRAMS) AT USD7.80 PER CARTON.ROSE BRAND.1700CARTONSUSD7.80USD13260.00Total:1700CARTONSUSD13260.00允许With

溢短装,由卖方决定More or less of shipment allowed at the sellers’ option

5. 总值Total ValueUSD THIRTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONLY.6. 包装PackingEXPORTED BROWN CARTON7. 唛头Shipping MarksROSE BRAND178/20xxRIYADH8. 装运期及运输方式Time of Shipment & means of TransportationNot Later Than Apr.30, 20xx BY VESSEL9. 装运港及目的地Port of Loading & DestinationFrom : SHANGHAI PORT, CHINATo : DAMMAM PORT, SAUDI ARABIA10. 保险InsuranceTO BE COVERED BY THE BUYER.11. 付款方式Terms of PaymentThe Buyers shall open through a bank acceptable to the Seller an Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable at sight of reach the seller 30 days before the month of shipment, valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the date of shipment.12. 备注RemarksThe BuyerThe SellerNEO GENERAL TRADING CO.DESUN TRADING CO., LTD.(signature)(signature)


承租方(乙方)Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B) :


In accordance with relevant Chinese laws, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.

一、 物业地址 Location of the premises


Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities all owned by Party A itself, which is located at __________________________________________________________ and in good condition for_____________ .

二、 房屋面积 Size of the premises


The registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (Gross size)。

三、 租赁期限 Lease term


The lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) _______(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year)。 Party A will clear the premises and provide it to Party B for use before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year)。

四、 租金 Rental

1. 数额:双方商定租金为每月人民币_____________元整, 乙方以___________形式支付给甲方。

Amount: the rental will be ____________per month. Party B will pay the rental to Party A in the form of ____________in ________________.

2. 租金按_____月为壹期支付;第一期租金于_______年_____月_____日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的______日以前缴纳,先付后住(若乙方以汇款形式支付租金,则以汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担)。甲方收到租金后予书面签收。

Payment of rental will be one installment every month(s)。 The first installment will be paid before_______(month)______(day)__________(year)。 Each successive installment will be paid _____________each month.

Party B will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities (In case Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.) Party A will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.

3. 如乙方逾期支付租金超过十天,则每天以月租金的0.5%支付滞纳金;如乙方逾期支付租金超过十五天,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。

In case the rental is more than ten working days overdue, Party B will pay 0.5 percent of monthly rental as overdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days overdue, Party B will be deemed to have with drawn from the premises and breach the contract. In this situation, Party A has the right to take back the premises and take actions against party B's breach.

五、 保证金 Deposit

1. 为确保房屋及其附属设施之安全与完好,及租赁期内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意于______年_____月_____日前支付给甲方保证金人民币 _________元整,甲方在收到保证金后予以书面签收。

Guarantying the safety and good conditions of the premises and attached facilities and account of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the lease term, party B will pay _________to party A as a deposit before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year)。 Party A will issue a written receipt after receiving the deposit.

2. 除合同另有约定外,甲方应于租赁关系消除且乙方迁空、点清并付清所有应付费用后的当天将保证金全额无息退还乙方。

Unless otherwise provided for by this contract, Party A will return full amount of the deposit without interest on the day when this contract expires and party B clears the premises and ha

s paid all due rental and other expenses.

3. 因乙方违反本合同的规定而产生的违约金、损坏赔偿金和其它相关费用,甲方可在保证金中抵扣,不足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后十日内补足。

In case party B breaches this contract, party A has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . In case the deposit is not sufficient to cover such items, Party B should pay the insufficiency within ten days after receiving the written notice of payment from Party A.

六、 甲方义务 Obligations of Party A

1. 甲方须按时将房屋及附属设施(详见附件)交付乙方使用。

Party A will provide the premises and attached facilities (see the appendix of furniture list for detail) on schedule to Party B for using.

2. 房屋设施如因质量原因、自然损耗或灾害而受到损坏,甲方有修缮并承担相关费用的责任。

In case the premise and attached facilities are damaged by quality problems, natural damages or disasters, Party A will be responsible to repair and pay the relevant expenses.

3. 甲方应确保出租的房屋享有出租的权利,反之如乙方权益因此遭受损害,甲方应负赔偿责任。

Party A will guarantee the lease right of the premises. Otherwise, Party A will be responsible to compensate Party B's losses.

七、 乙方义务 Obligations of Party B

1. 乙方应按合同的规定按时支付定金、租金及保证金。

Party B will pay the rental, the deposit and other expenses on time.

2. 乙方经甲方同意,可在房屋内添置设备。租赁期满后,乙方将添置的设备搬走,并保证不影响房屋的完好及正常使用。

Party B may decorate the premises and add new facilities with Party A's approval. When this contract expires, Party B may take away the added facilities which are removable without changing the good conditions of the premises for normal use.

3. 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将承租的房屋转租或分租,并爱护使用该房屋如因乙方过失或过错致使房屋及设施受损,乙方应承担赔偿责任。

Party B will not transfer the lease of the premises or sublet it without Party A's approval and should take good care of the premises. Otherwise, Party B will be responsible to compensate any damages of the premises and attached facilities caused by its fault and negligence.

4. 乙方应按本合同规定合法使用该房屋,不得擅自改变使用性质。乙方不得在该房屋内存放危险物品。否则,如该房屋及附属设施因此受损,乙方应承担全部责任。

Party B will use the premises lawfully according to this contract without changing the nature of the premises and storing hazardous materials in it. Otherwise, Party B will be responsible for the damages caused by it.

5. 乙方应承担租赁期内的水、电、煤气、电讯、收视费、等一切因实际使用而产生的费用,并按单如期缴纳。

Party B will bear the cost of utilities such as communications, water, electricity, gas, management fee etc. on time during the lease term.

八、 合同终止及解除的规定 Termination and dissolution of the contract

1. 乙方在租赁期满后如需退租或续租,应提前两个月通知甲方,由双方另行协商退租或续租事宜。在同等条件下乙方享有优先续租权。

Within two months before the contract expires, Party B will notify Party A if it intends to extend the leasehold. In this situation, two parties will discuss matters over the extension.

2. 租赁期满后,乙方应在当天将房屋交还甲方;任何滞留物,如未取得甲方谅解,均视为放弃,任凭甲方处置,乙方决无异议。

When the lease term expires, Party B will return the premises and attached facilities to Party A within days. Any belongings left in it without Party A's previous understanding will be deemed to be abandoned by Party B. In this situation, Party A has the right to dispose of it and Party A will raise no objection.

3. 本合同一经双方签字后立即生效;未经双方同意,不得任意终止,如有未尽事宜,甲、乙双方可另行协商。

This contract will be effective after being signed by both parties. Any party has no right to terminate this contract without another party's agreement. Anything not covered in this contract will be discussed separately by both parties.

九、 违约及处理 Breach of

the contract

1. 甲、乙双方任何一方在未征得对方谅解的情况下,不履行本合同规定条款,导致本合同中途中止,则视为该方违约,双方同意违约金为人民币___________元整,若违约金不足弥补无过错方之损失,则违约方还需就不足部分支付赔偿金。

During the lease term, any party who fails to fulfill any article of this contract without the other party's understanding will be deemed to breach the contract. Both parties agree that the default fine will be________________. In case the default fine is not sufficient to cover the loss suffered by the faultless party, the party in breach should pay additional compensation to the other party.

2. 若双方在执行本合同或与本合同有关的事情时发生争议,应首先友好协商;协商不成,可向有管辖权的人民法院提讼。本合同一经双方签字后立即生效;未经双方同意,不得任意终止,如有未尽事宜,甲、乙双方可另行协商。

Both parties will solve the disputes arising from execution of the contract or in connection with the contract through friendly consultation. In case the agreement cannot be reached, any party may summit the dispute to the court that has the jurisdiction over the matter.

十、 其他 Miscellaneous

1. 本合同附件是本合同的有效组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。

Any annex is the integral part of this contract. The annex and this contract are equally valid.

2. 本合同壹式贰份,甲、乙双方各执一份。

There are 2 originals of this contract. Each party will hold 1 original(s)。

3. 甲、乙双方如有特殊约定,可在本款另行约定:

Other special terms will be listed bellows:



甲 方: 乙方:

Party A Party B

证件号码: 证件号码:


联络地址: 联络地址:

Address Address

电 话: 电 话:

Tel: Tel:

代 理 人: 代 理 人:

Representative: Representative:

日 期: 日 期:


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