International Journal of Automation Computing杂志订阅价格是多少?需要多久才能收到?

来源:发表之家网整理 2024-12-27 11:08:11

International Journal of Automation Computing杂志订阅价格为:696.00元/年。刊社杂志出刊后会及时安排配送,但部分杂志还会出刊合刊、增刊、提前出刊、延后出刊等情况,双月刊、季刊、半年刊将会按刊社出刊情况顺延发货至完成整年的刊数,详细请咨询在线售后客服。



International Journal of Automation Computing杂志信息简介

International Journal of Automation and computing is a publication of Institute of Automation, the Chinese Academy of Sciencs and Chinese Automation and computing Society in the United Kingdom. 

The Journal publishes papers on original theoretical and experimental research and development in automation and computing. The scope of the journal is extensive. 

Topics include; artificial intelligence, automatic control, bioinformatics, computer sciene, information technology, modeling and simulation, networks and communications, optimization and decision, pattern recognition, robotics, signal processing, and systems engineering.

《International Journal of Automation Computing》现已更名为《Machine Intelligence Research》。
