International Journal of Automation Computing主要收录哪些类型的论文?

来源:发表之家网整理 2024-11-18 10:12:45

International Journal of Automation Computing杂志收录论文类型主要包括: 自动化技术、等。



Manuscripts must be typed in double-column format. Authors are advised to use our template to prepare your submissions.The fax number, e-mail address and postal address of the corresponding author, who should easily be identified with an asterisk and footnote, should be given. Full postal addresses of all co-authors must be included.


Manuscripts should include the following parts (in order): Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgement if applicable, Appendices, References and Biographies.


All figures must be provided in a camera-ready form, which are suitable for reproduction. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Fig(s)." and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should be included within the text. Every figure must have a caption.


Tables should be numbered consecutively with suitable captions.


All publications cited in the text should be presented in the reference list at the end of the manuscript. References must be listed in the order they were cited (numerical order). It is not necessary to mention the author(s) of the reference unless it is relevant to your text. The names of all authors should be given in the references unless the number of authors is greater than six. If there are more than six authors, you may use et al. after the name of the first author. An example of references is given below:

[1] A. Isidori, A remark on the problem of semiglobal nonlinear output regulation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 1734-1738, 1997.

Reference manager software, Endnote, Reference Manager or other similar software, is suggested to be used. Then spelling errors and fault information can be avoided.


All illustrations must be provided in a camera-ready form, which are suitable for reproduction. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should be included within the text. Every figure must have a caption.


Tables should be numbered consecutively with suitable captions.


A short biography of every author should be provided for regular papers and brief papers.

Cover letter:

A cover letter must be submitted along with the manuscript, stating that the manuscript has been read and approved in final form by all authors. Authors should ensure that the manuscript has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.


The corresponding author will receive an email when the manuscript is accepted. Please prepare the final version according to the requirement in this email.


When a manuscript is accepted for publication, it should be put in the LaTeX format. Download the IJAC Template.

Language polishing:

The final version will be sent to editors for editing and English language polishing.

International Journal of Automation Computing杂志 是由中国科学院主管, 中国科学院自动化所主办的 CSCD期刊, 影响因子为:0.81。 顺应社会的发展,杂志获得了多项荣誉:中国优秀期刊遴选数据库、等。